Welcome to our website! Sanilac Medical Services, Inc. is dedicated in providing top quality training to individuals specializing in Emergency Medical Services.
This website is for Informational and announcment purposes only, you will not create and account or enroll on this website as it was done in the past. Attempting to log in will cause you to be blocked from the site. There has been some changes to our site. If you want to enroll in a class please email Amy Herek at aherek@sanilacmca.org or call the office during normal hours of operation. Courses that are offered are explained in detail on the right hand side of the page, open the individual class for additional details and potential links to complete any pre course requirments.
Please be aware that due to high levels of security and fire wall applications our site may not be accessible from some locations such as hospitals in the area and some of the content is not available in full content on Cell phones.
As an overview, we provide initial Pre-hospital Emergency Medical training from the Medical First Responder up to the Paramedic level.
Because of our Millage Dollars, we are able to provide our Sanilac County’s EMS with free continuing education training that is required to maintain an EMS license. ( Be advised that this does not include specialty courses such as ACLS, PALS , PHTLS just to indentify a few ).
Because of our Millage Dollars we also offer free of charge to Sanilac County residents Community CPR, First Aid and Narcan training. Please call 810-648-3092 to gather dates and to reserve your seat today.
Tuition Fee’s for classes offered at Sanilac Medical Services.