Providers that hold a current card are eligable to do the update course if the certification expires after 10-08-2024.
Providers that need to obtian certification for the first time or if you have an expired card will need to take the Hybrid course. Email Amy Herek at and request a code. Codes will be emailed to students that are on the roster after September 6th. The completion certificate needs to be printed and turned in on Ocober 8th to be eligable for the practical portion of the class. Please be aware that if you access the code and do not attend the class you will be billed the 29.96 fee for the online content.
All participants will need to enroll in the course that they are attending on the NAEMT website.
You can refine the search by adding the City of Sandusky to your search to filter thru the number of classes that are posted. Be advised that the Courses will close for self enrollment two days prior to the start of the course , you will need to email Amy Herek at to be manually enrolled.